Time cuti sekolahlah yang paling merisaukan aku. Sebabnya... tak tahu nak masak menu apa. Kalau breakfast senang jer, sama ada toasted bread or plain bread with kaya or peanut butter, nasi lemak (for them only) or roti canai (also for them only. Me? Cracker dip with teh o panas)
Mujur anak-anak faham aku kebuntuan (in the same time, nak curi tulang, malas masak, hehehe). Awin offer nak masak western for the day. Menunya... spagheti! Aku dengan berbesar hati beri lampu hijau. (ini gara-gara my soulmate yg mengajar diaorg masak spagheti last week).
New chef in the making. Hahaha...
Awin and Afiq volunteer nak masak spagheti for dinner. Kononnya nak surprise their dad yang depa pun reti masak spagheti. (suka hati kome lerrr). Acara memasak bermula selepas asar sebab my soulmate akan reach home dalam pukul 6:30 gitu and we always have our dinner pukul 7 pm.

Daniel tak join masak sekali sebab this time, terlalu banyak homework yang dia kena pulun. What to do... school holiday is not as fun as before, dear. (pic taken by Mukhriz)
Spagheti on the boil.
Spagheti yang depa nak masak nie actually ikut recipe my soulmate. Depa follow sebijik-sebijik, except no cheese sebab majoriti tak makan cheese. Aku cuma observe from a distance... main chef mesti ada untuk pantau keadaan.
The ingredients.
Frankly, my soulmate nie sangat patriotik (me toooo...). If possible, semua ingredient mesti guna Msian product dan yang paling penting ada logo Halal Msia, bukan logo Halal from other countries. Brand spagheti yang famous is P***O, tapi kami prefer K****LL. Rasa pun sedap.
Inilah hasilnya! The name?
Spagheti World Cup 2010!

This pic was taken last week... masa my soulmate nak masak spagheti.
Yummy, walla!
pandai hubby an danak2 akak masak ye...hubby say apandai makan jer...heheheh
yg besar2 tu semua dah kena mula belajar masak, manalah tau, esok lusa merantau ker, apa ker... hehehe
seronoknya bila anak dah besar and boleh masak macam ni :D
terasa diri dah tua! huhuhu
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